The Primary School caters for children from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 6. Students remain with their class teacher for the core learning areas, moving to specialist teachers and facilities for Art, Music, Drama, Physical Education, Library and Indonesian. We have the added benefit of Teacher Assistants working in all year levels from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 6.
The Primary School teachers work collaboratively across the year group, planning and programming together to ensure consistency and continuity.
At Peter Moyes, children are at the centre of everything that happens here: the teaching and learning, the activities, and the environment. The core Learning Areas are:
- English
- Mathematics
- Humanities and Social Science
- Science
- Health and Physical Education
- The Arts (including Music, Drama and Visual Arts)
- Technology and Enterprise
- Languages Other Than English (Indonesian)
- Christian and Religious Education.
At Peter Moyes, the teachers aim to provide academic learning programmes that accommodate all learning styles across the curriculum. These learning styles offer a multi-sensory, structured program that involves explicit teaching of skills. Lessons may include play-based investigations, direct teaching, inquiry, research and project work, peer tutoring and collaborative work. We emphasise the holistic development of the child and offer our students the opportunity to develop their strengths and build upon their weaknesses.
We employ specialist teachers for Music, Drama, Library studies, Indonesian, Visual Arts and Physical Education, with students moving to the appropriate specialist facilities for these lessons. Our specialist teachers, in conjunction with classroom teachers, also provide a range of activities such as concerts, cultural days, exhibitions and inter-school competitions.
Pre-Kindy Programme
Through a rich and diverse play based programme, our Pre-Kindergarten is a specialist programme for 3-year olds. Our learning environment provides opportunities for your child to learn as they discover, create, improvise, and imagine. Children have the opportunity to explore, whilst building friendships and bonds with other children.
Our Pre-Kindergarten classroom is located in the Early Years area of the Primary School. Our programme is led by fully qualified and passionate educators who are trained in Early Years development and learning. They will tailor learning activities to be responsive to individual children’s ideas, interests, strengths, and abilities. There is a maximum class size of 20 children, with two educators per class, ensuring that your child has the attention they need. We provide stimulating indoor and outdoor learning environments, including flexible learning spaces and a nature playground.
The School offers a Kindergarten programme for 4 year olds. Our programme is led by fully qualified and passionate educators who are trained in Early Years development and learning.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care is woven through the fabric of the School. Our staff provide a high level of care and support, getting to know each student and their individual needs. Led by our Deans of Students, we have a strong and supportive Pastoral Care model that includes:
- Education Assistants/Technicians
- Class and Subject Teachers/House Tutors
- Chaplains
- Counsellors
- Heads of Department
- Heads of Year
- Learning Support and Academic Extension
As an Anglican school, our Chaplains complement our pastoral programmes by providing spiritual guidance, leading our students towards a life of purpose.
We are committed to the care, safety and protection of all students from Pre-Kindergarten through to Year 12, through the prevention, identification and reporting of child abuse and neglect. The responsibility of the School extends beyond academic success to the intellectual, physical, social and emotional development of children and the provision of a caring and supportive learning environment. To this end, we recognise that it is essential that the safety, health, welfare and wellbeing of our students are safeguarded at all times when in the care of the School, our teachers, staff and volunteers.
Year 3
Year 3 students participate in an overnight Camp at School. The theme is Resilience, focussing on facing new challenges in a familiar environment.
Year 4
Year 4 students participate in a three day camp at Fairbridge Village in Pinjarra. The theme is Persistence, focussing on approaching new challenges with positivity.
Year 5
Year 5 students participate in a three day camp at Boshack Outback Farm Camp, Wattening. The theme is Courage, focussing on fostering new skills in an unfamiliar environment.
Year 6
Year 6 students participate in a three day camp at Point Walter Recreational Camp, Bicton. The theme is Adventurous, focussing on willingness to take risks and try new experiences.
Learning Support
Teachers offer differentiated programmes to meet the varying needs of students in their class.
For those students who require additional assistance with their literacy skills, extra support may be available. Depending on the individual need and the capacity of the programme, literacy support may include small group withdrawal or in-class assistance. The duration of participation in the programme is flexible and will vary from student to student. A referral process is undertaken by Learning Support staff in conjunction with the classroom teacher prior to participation in the programme.
Parent involvement is a key component in helping students reach their full potential and therefore a team approach between the School, parents and the student is essential to maximise success.
Primary Academic Extension
Students from Year 4 to Year 6 are invited to participate in the Primary Academic Extension program by meeting a range of criteria including academic results from standardised testing, NAPLAN results and assessment of their ability to work independently and collaboratively. This careful selection of students is undertaken each Semester to maximise the number of students who can participate, with a rotation occurring each Semester.
The focus is on cross-curricular inquiry learning activities, which are often open-ended, allowing the students to respond in a creative way to the challenges presented. The students are guided to develop independent learning skills, often incorporating information and computing technology.