Principal’s Notes
Welcome to the latest edition of the School Newsletter! As I write my article, Perth is in the midst of another lockdown. Of particular concern is the proximity of the exposure sites to our school and the threat posed by the Delta variant. The School very much appreciates the support of our community as we respond to ever evolving Government restrictions in the interests of keeping everyone safe. If there is a silver lining to this latest lockdown, it is that we are now heading into a holiday period. This should provide authorities with sufficient time to get on top of the recent outbreak so that all schools may resume in a normal mode of operation at the start of Term 3. We will of course keep our community fully updated as this situation unfolds, and I encourage you to continue checking our School App and Facebook page for the latest updates.
On a more positive note, you should by now have received a copy of the 2020 Yearbook. Due to some staffing changes, publication was slightly delayed this year. However, I am sure you will agree that it has been worth the wait as the Yearbook beautifully captures the essence of our community, including the diverse curriculum and co-curriculum offerings of our school. Preparing the Yearbook is a labour of love, and I am grateful to all staff for their role in preparing articles and collating pictures to record the happenings of what turned out to be a most unusual year! If for any reason you have not received your copy of the Yearbook, please contact the School.
Traffic Improvement Update
I recently attended a meeting on the corner of Salerno Drive and Quinns Road with representatives from the City of Wanneroo, the Department of Main Roads, and the Police. The meeting was convened to review a proposal to widen Quinns Road and determine whether the current crossing needs to be relocated. In promising news, it has been confirmed that work on Quinns Road will be proceeding this year. The work includes dual right turns (south) onto Marmion Avenue and a larger slip lane turning left (north). This should ease traffic congestion, particularly after school. As part of the works, the crossing will be shifted six metres east (towards Marmion Avenue) and also widened to enhance student safety. In addition, the roundabout will be lowered and made smaller which will help car and pedestrian visibility in the area. These works have been tentatively scheduled for school holiday periods which should help to minimise any disruptions to parents.
I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents of the importance of following traffic signage in and around our campus. With close to 3000 students in the vicinity each day, we all have a responsibility to drive responsibly and follow all signage in the interests of keeping our children safe. This is particularly important in our car parking areas at drop off and pick up times.
Staff Update
We have a number of staffing changes for Semester 2, with the following staff taking Long Service Leave:
Mr David Borrello – Humanities and Social Sciences (Term 3)
Mrs Karlie Smith – Year 1 (Term 3, Weeks 1-5)
Mr Nathaniel Pestell – Year 4 (Term 3)
Mrs Amanda Robinson – Year 2 (Semester 2)
These staff members will be covered by Miss Ainsley McLatchie (David Borrello), Mrs Rajvi Shah (Karlie Smith), Mrs Lisa Dearle (Nathaniel Pestell) and Mrs Lucinda Meredith (Amanda Robinson). We wish our departing staff a well-deserved break and look forward to welcoming new members of staff into our PMACS community.
School Website
Our Marketing Officer, Lauren Knapp, has been busy preparing to launch our rebranded and updated School Website. All staff were recently sent a link to access a test website, which will go live in early Term 3. The primary goal for the website refresh is to provide greater functionality for our site, with less text, more relevant and up-to-date information and a greater range of photos and video. Of course, websites continually evolve, and we would welcome any feedback from families once our site is officially launched.
As we head towards an extended holiday break, I would again like to thank our entire community for your continued support during these unprecedented times. The upcoming holidays are an opportunity for us all to recharge and reset for second semester. Hopefully, lockdown will not extend beyond 2 July so that all our families are able to make the most of the holiday period. To our Year 12s, this is especially important as you enter your final weeks before graduation, and I encourage you to have some down time, while not losing focus on the finish line.
To all our community, stay safe and healthy and I look forward to welcoming you back on campus in Term 3.
Every Blessing.
Benjamin Lomas