Early on this year, the Year 3 cohort displayed a love of Lego, so to build on this, we organised the Lego Engineers to conduct weekly incursions in Term Three. Each week the students were presented with a challenging Lego project to make. This certainly tested their problem solving skills. The students enjoyed using motors to make their creations move.
The next step of the project was to create a Lego Stop Motion movie. The students have really loved this project! They were truly engaged, worked enthusiastically and collaboratively to create a story, a storyboard and a detailed set designs. The students built their set design in a box and used Lego for the scene pieces. During this process, the students wanted to add sound effects, music and even a movie trailer.
After the movie makers had finished, we enjoyed eating popcorn whilst watching our awesome movies.
Click on the links below to watch!
Movie: Aliens
Movie: Two Lost Puppies