Recently, Year 10 students have been given information from the Heads of Department about courses that the School offers for them as Year 11 students in 2019.
This information adds to the careers work that the students have been doing, both in House groups and individually, with Mr Wright and Ms Lamers.
Two additional pieces of information for Year 10 students will be their Mid Year Report and the Subject Selection Handbook. They form important reading for both student and parent, and the July holidays will be a good time for honest and productive discussion.
Both of these incredibly important documents will be available towards the end of the Term. Students and parents should reflect on all the information provided during to them in order to make the subject selections which are right for them individually and not based on what their child’s friends are selecting!
While there are opportunities for student to switch courses at certain times during Year 11, it is far better for the student to select the course that is best for them at the start of the year. Past achievements and practices are the key pointers for future success.
As Year 10’s have been told, there are many pathways to achieve their goal; however, by selecting the courses that match a student’s aptitude and skills, they have the best conditions to attain that goal.
Early in Term 3, parents have the opportunity to meet with their child’s Head of House for a Subject Selection interview. More information about this process will be communicated directly to parents.
Please note the dates of 16th and 23rd July, as these are the two days when the interviews will be scheduled.