On Friday 24th June Middle and Senior School students participated in the School’s annual Stress Down Day.
Teachers and parents offered a variety of activities for the students to choose from, including aromatherapy relaxation, cup cake decorating, card games, meditation, mindful colouring, origami, Pictionary and stress ball making. Physical activities including badminton, basketball, boot camp, fitness circuit, self defence, yoga and Zumba were also popular choices.
The concept behind the day was to highlight the need to focus on reducing stress in young people and how to actively manage various stresses through physical and mindfulness activities.
Stress Down Day is a national initiative by Lifeline run annually in July, aimed at encouraging Australians to recognise stress and take steps to reduce it. The event has been held at the School since 2012.
We would like to thank the School’s Counsellor for organising and coordinating the day, and all the volunteers who ran an activity for their valuable support.