This week the School celebrated one of its Mental Health and Wellbeing Days. At PMACS, we promote good mental health through positive behaviours and experiences. The lessons of R U OK? Day really emphasise the message that it’s important to discuss how you are feeling and that it’s okay to not always feel okay, as long as you share these feelings with people that you trust. We particularly promote the importance of asking for support from those who are able to provide it within the School, such as teachers, school counsellors and the chaplains.

We promote the notion that conversations are important and if someone is going through a tough time, we can use the 4 Steps to starting a conversation with them: 

1. Ask R U OK?
2. Listen
3. Encourage action
4. Check in

By starting these conversations whenever they're needed, we move closer to our vision of a world where we're all connected and protected from suicide. 
This year the Whole School brought picnic rugs and delicious picnics to share with their friends. Everyone was involved and got into the spirit of the event, some groups playing Twister and other fun picnic games. All School Staff participated in the picnic and were also treated to a lovely Morning Tea generously sponsored by the Chaplains.

Finding help
If someone has been experiencing tough emotions for more than two weeks, encourage them to talk to a trusted health professional. If you need a listening ear, call Lifeline on 13 11 14 for a confidential chat any time of day or night. You can find other support services here and remember these services are for everyone - whether you need a listening ear or have concerns for a loved one.