On Friday 9th September Senior School held a mental health and wellbeing day supporting the ‘R U Ok?’ Day. The day aims to reduce the stigmatisation of mental health issues and to encourage people to realise that is it okay to not be okay. The day also encourages people to ask the question "Are You Okay?" to those around you for it can be the small things in life that make us feel better and sometimes someone asking you how you are is enough to put a smile on your face.

To raise awareness for the cause the School was decorated with banners and held three events throughout the day. In the morning, hot chocolate was prepared and given out to staff and students to enjoy during their recess. During House Tutorial, combined Tutorial groups held a 'speed dating' session where students would sit in a long column of desks and would discuss a topic to get to talking and to know each other. At lunch time an egg tossing competition was held for some fun; participants would toss an egg between each other, between each toss a step backwards would be taken to increase the distance making the egg more and more dangerous. Overall the day was a great success; it was great to see the smiles on people's faces as they received a hot chocolate. The day wouldn't have been anywhere near as successful without the help of the leadership group, and supportive teachers: thank you all for your help!

Written by Declan Waters (Year 12)