On Monday 28th October 2019, the Year Five students successfully held their Indonesian Pasar (Indonesian market). Students spent Term 3 collaborating with team members to research ideas and use Indonesian to write their recipe, cost analysis, and signage. Much work went into planning their Warung (stall) with the aim of developing and using practical language skills. 

On the day, Years Four, Five and Six students were invited to attend the market and role play purchasing real food items using Indonesian. In order to purchase any item, students were first asked to exchange their Dollars into Indonesian Rupiah (Indonesian currency). Rupiah was exchanged beforehand at the kasir (cashier). Math skills had to be employed by buyers and sellers alike, as the exchange rate we used was Rp10 000 = $1.00. 

The Indonesian Pasar was a big success. Students expressed their enjoyment and it was clear they were having lots of fun.  Thanks to all the parents who supported the market day. All money earned will go towards costs and a charity chosen by Year Five students.

Ibu Bell,
Primary Indonesian teacher