The ‘Pay it Forward Day’ was held on Tuesday 10th April 2018 and was a great success! The Student Leadership Team ‘payed forward’ over 220 hot chocolates at Recess to the Senior School (and other students) to promote gestures of kindness and paying forward the act of giving and helping.

In House Tutorial, students recognised the concept of Pay It Forward with a variety of activities, including a wall of gratitude. The Student Leadership Team organised a raffle for each Year group and Senior School staff. Everyone’s names where put into four separate hats, with the winner from each being drawn at Assembly. The students who won were encouraged to pay forward part of their gift to another person.

It was the first time that this Student Leadership Team organised an event like this and it was enjoyed by all the students in Senior School, and especially the staff who also won a prize!

Written by Hannah Kelly, Year 12, Florey House Captain