On Tuesday, 22nd November a group of parents gathered in the new staffroom to attend the last Connect, Learn, Engage parent seminar of the year. Our School Chaplain, Reverend Dave Deeny delivered a thought-provoking talk on the concept of ‘Spiritual Intelligence’.
He explained that as a result of our rapidly changing world and changing technologies, we need to equip our children with the skills necessary to become resilient in that changing world. As such, our children need all the ‘intelligences’ that they can get.
Spiritual Intelligence is now being discussed by parenting experts such as Maggie Dent, psychologists and theologians, alongside both academic and emotional intelligence. Whilst each of these individuals have their own interpretation of what spiritual intelligence is, the common themes are: respect and reverence; relational spirituality; lightness and laughter; simplicity; contemplation; calmness; stillness and quiet; listening with the heart or intuition; and tenderness and gratitude.
Reverend Dave described how several scholars in this field agreed that spirituality exists in the hearts and minds of people everywhere, within and independently of religious traditions. He explained that it involves the highest levels of any developmental lines, for example cognitive, moral, emotional and interpersonal. Reverend Dave also shared several thought provoking videos that showed parents the undeniably crucial job they perform.
Reverend Dave also suggested that as we nurture spiritual intelligence in our children, we should encourage them to open themselves up to and allow themselves to experience the presence of the Divine in a way that transforms their lives.
Our first Connect, Learn, Engage seminar for 2017 will be held on 27th February. Our guest speaker is Holly-Ann Martin from Safe4kids. More details will follow in the new year, but please save the date!