The School’s recent cultural exchange with a large group of Japanese students has proved to be greatly beneficial for all involved.

For the first time in the history of the School, we hosted 24 students and one teacher from different schools in Japan. They were hosted by families of students and staff. It was a great opportunity for the visiting boys and girls to experience the contrasting culture of Australia and our School's own environment. The students interacted extremely well.

Visiting teachers held intensive English lessons most mornings in the Senior School Lecture Theatre and were very impressed with the generosity of hosting families, the School and our students.

During their time at our School the Japanese students also shared Japanese games and songs with some Primary School classes.

Thank you to all those who assisted in the programme. You have left a lasting warm memory for all of the Japanese students who visited us. I do hope that the links made between each of our students and their Japanese visitors remain. This is what cultural exchanges are all about.