On 22nd February 2017, Astha, Nicola, Hannah, Jasjit and I drove down to Wollaston at 3pm to meet with Anglicare Ambassadors from other WAASA schools in Western Australia. When we arrived, we were given a name badge with our school name and our full name as well as a party bag which contained a USB (for fundraising ideas) and a chocolate/sweet.
We were welcomed by the board members of Anglicare WA and they told us what they do to help Anglicare run and make a difference. The point of Anglicare Ambassadors is to help raise funds and awareness for Street Connect. For those who don’t know, Street Connect helps young people aged 15 – 25 in Perth inner city area, who need to engage in positive life changes and need some life assistance.
Street Connect are able to help thousands of youths a year because they have a mobile youth outreach bus which allows young people to speak personally and receive guidance on the bus or in time where they aren’t there, they can take a leaflet about jobs, rehab clinics, GPs and other important information to keep them safe. Street Connect assists young people to understand their legal rights and responsibilities in public space as well as helping them in difficult times in their lives. The bus is also stocked with information on services as well as referral resources.
The team provide freshly made sandwiches, water, pregnancy tests, condoms and first aid kits to the youths. The Street Connect team are on high demand to provide assistance and guidance for young people who are sleeping in the streets. A high percentage of the young people eventually fall into the habit of substance abuse and suffer from mental health problems and self-harm, which they can’t receive help for, due to their position. Street Connect is there to help the youths get back on their feet and are able to provide crisis intervention and a follow-up support. Street Connect bank on public donations as they are not supported financially by the government.
After the speeches and some planning, we were able to have a look at the bus and discussed what happens when someone needs help and what the daily role of Street Connect is for helping the youth of our city. After that we went outside of the bus to see the caterer come around with spring rolls and spinach and ricotta rolls along with a range of fresh fruit as well as some drink provided. This allowed the ambassadors for this year to come together get to know each other and think of some ideas. Overall, the trip was very successful and I look forward to the progress we can make this year.
Written by Rhiannon Bowler (Year 12)