Executive Team

The Executive Team at Peter Moyes Anglican Community School includes the Principal, Business Manager, Head of Operations, Head of Primary, Head of Secondary, Deans of Students and Deans of Teaching & Learning. 

They work collectively to ensure the delivery of a quality teaching and learning experience for our students.  

School Principal

Mr Benjamin Lomas

Benjamin Lomas is the Principal of Peter Moyes Anglican Community School. Prior to this, he was Deputy Principal at John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School. He has also held the positions of Interim Principal (2017), Assistant Principal Middle School (2012 – 2016) and House Coordinator (2008 – 2011) at John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School. Benjamin has worked in Department of Education Schools and spent a year in Vancouver, Canada as an exchange teacher. Benjamin has taught Science, Mathematics, Humanities and Health & Physical Education and has obtained a Masters of Educational Leadership from the University of Western Australia. Benjamin is married to Sarah and his interests include travel, music, reading and several sports including Australian Rules Football (West Coast Eagles), cricket and golf.

Business Manager

Mr Alan Wright

Alan Wright is a qualified Certified Practicing Accountant and Fellow of the Chartered Secretaries and Administrators with a strong background in governance reporting. He has previously worked in the Health Care sector as Chief Financial Officer and previous experience in the School context as a Business Manager at St Stephens School. The expertise and enthusiasm Alan brings to our School ensures the school will look to the future with certainty, continuing to strengthen its financial position and maintaining a high standard of resources and facilities for our School Community. 

Head of Primary

Mr Roderick Wood

Roderick Wood is the Head of the Primary School at Peter Moyes Anglican Community School. Prior to this, he was the Deputy Principal St Stephen’s School. He has held positions of Interim Primary Principal at his previous school prior to commencing at Peter Moyes. He has taught in both Department of Education schools including remote Indigenous country postings and in Independent Schools. Roderick has specialised in Gifted Education and has obtained his Master of Educational Leadership from the University of Western Australia. He received a national award for Quality Schooling Excellence in School Improvement and Outstanding National Achievement in 2006 presented in Canberra and the ACHPER WA Healthy Active Lifestyle Awards in 1999. Currently Roderick serves on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority’s (SCSA) Curriculum and Assessment Committee, is an executive member of the Independent Primary Schools Heads Association (IPSHA) and is the sole Western Australian Independent Schools representative of the National Advisory Council of the Australian Primary Principals Association (APPA). Roderick is married to Lisa and has 3 adult children. His interests include Primary Education, water sports, hockey, golf, reading, adventure travel and is a member of the West Coast Eagles Football club.

Dean of Teaching & Learning

Ms Lorrelle Fortune

Lorrelle Fortune is the Dean of Teaching & Learning (Secondary School) at Peter Moyes Anglican Community School.

Lorrelle brings a wealth of experience and passion to this crucial role, having served as Head of Department for Health and Physical Education at four schools in three States over the past 18 years, including her most recent role at PMACS. In addition, Lorrelle has gained significant curriculum expertise through her work with the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) and the Schools Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA). Lorrelle’s work over several years with both QCAA and SCSA has included exam marking, both practical and written, moderation, assessment writing, curriculum development and collaboration with broader education networks. Lorrelle is also furthering her expertise through the completion of her Masters of Educational Leadership.

Dean of Students (Primary)

Mrs Nicole Brown

Nicole is the Dean of Students (Primary) at Peter Moyes Anglican Communiy School. Nicole has a rich history of educating students from PK through to Year 6 and is deeply committed to pastoral care and student wellbeing. A lifelong learner, Nicole completed her Masters of Education in Mental Health and Wellbeing at UWA in 2022, adding to her Masters in Educational Leadership, Graduate Certificate in Literacy Education, and a Bachelor of Arts in Primary Education from Edith Cowan University.

Before returning to PMACS in 2024, Nicole worked as a Wellbeing Consultant for the Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia’s (AISWA) Teaching & Learning Team, supporting independent schools across the state in developing comprehensive wellbeing plans for students and staff. She also participated in cross-sectoral advisory roles, contributing to school improvement efforts nationwide.

Outside of her professional life, Nicole is a mother of two PMACS alumni and a proud grandparent. In her free time, she enjoys walking her two dogs, reading historical fiction and travelling overseas with her husband and extended family.

Dean of Students (Secondary)

Ms Alison Grey

Alison Grey is the Dean of Students (Secondary) at Peter Moyes Anglican Community School. Previously she has held the positions of Deputy Associate Principal – Middle School (2012 – 2018) and Acting Associate Principal – Middle School (2018-2019). She previously taught at St Stephen’s School in both Duncraig and Carramar after moving from the UK in 2005. Prior to this she taught Humanities and English both in Scotland and Zimbabwe. Alison holds a Graduate Diploma in Educational Leadership and is currently studying for a Masters in Education specialising in Adolescent Mental Health and Wellbeing. Her interests include running, reading, travelling and watching movies. 

Dean of Teaching & Learning

Mrs Deb Martin

Deb has taught Early Years at St Mark’s Anglican Commuinity School and All Saint’s College, spent time at Murdoch University as a Tutor and prior to her role at PMACS, Deb worked as an Education Consultant for the Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia (AISWA) for seven years. 

During her time at AISWA, Deb supported schools, leaders, and educators across the state in various aspects of teaching and learning, including curriculum development, pedagogical strategies, and pastoral care. 

Middle Leaders

Head of Lower Primary
Katrina Joran

Mrs Katrina Jordan
Email: kjordan@pmacs.wa.edu.au

Head of Upper Primary
Kellie Shimmings

Ms Kellie Shimmings
Email: kshimmings@pmacs.wa.edu.au

Head of Year 7
Phil Carr

Mr Phil Carr
Email: pcarr@pmacs.wa.edu.au

Head of Year 8

Mr Jordan West
Email: jwest@pmacs.wa.edu.au

Head of Year 9
Candy McKnight

Mrs Candy McKnight
Email: cmcknight@pmacs.wa.edu.au

Head of Year 10
Laura Goldstraw

Ms Laura Goldstraw
Email: lgoldstraw@pmacs.wa.edu.au

Head of Year 11
Lana Swanepoel

Mrs Lana Swanepoel
Email: lswanepoel@pmacs.wa.edu.au

Head of Year 12
Kira Lawrence

Mrs Kira Lawrence
Email: klawrence@pmacs.wa.edu.au

Head of Visual Arts

Mrs Jacky Harrison
Email: jharrison@pmacs.wa.edu.au

Careers & Pathways Coordinator
Larry Parkes

Mr Larry Parkes
Email: lparkes@pmacs.wa.edu.au

Head of Religion Studies
Irene Killow

Mrs Irene Killow
Email: ikillow@pmacs.wa.edu.au

Head of Dance & Drama

Ms Sarah Hardingham
Email: shardingham@pmacs.wa.edu.au

Head of English

Mrs Lee Gibson
Email: lgibson@pmacs.wa.edu.au

Head of Health & PE
Cameron Fannon

Mr Cameron Fannon
Email: cfannon@pmacs.wa.edu.au

Head of Humanities
Nicol Davis

Ms Nicol Davis
Email: ndavis@pmacs.wa.edu.au

Head of Library Services
Danielle Palmer-Smith

Mrs Danielle Palmer-Smith
Email: dpalmersmith@pmacs.wa.edu.au

Head of Languages
Maya Swailes

Mrs Maya Swailes
Email: mswailes@pmacs.wa.edu.au

Learning Diversity - Primary
Laura Cosnett

Mrs Laura Cosnett
Email: lcosnett@pmacs.wa.edu.au

Learning Diversity - Secondary
Alison Grey

Ms Alison Grey
Email: agrey@pmacs.wa.edu.au

Head of Mathematics
Dick Neervoort

Mr Dick Neervoort
Email: dneervoort@pmacs.wa.edu.au

Head of Music

Mr Justin Tonti
Email: jtonti@pmacs.wa.edu.au

Head of Science
Trurina Cook

Mrs Trurina Cook
Email: tcook@pmacs.wa.edu.au

Head of Technologies

Mr Robert Deurloo
Email: rdeurloo@pmacs.wa.edu.au

School Council

Peter Moyes Anglican Community School was established by the Anglican Schools Commission (now AngliSchools) and therefore works within the broad parameters set by AngliSchools for the planning and establishment of a School. The School is governed locally by a Council comprising a maximum of twelve representatives, including those appointed from the Anglican Church, AngliSchools, the Parents and Friends’ Association and the Alumni Association. It is the aim of Council to include members with a diverse range of skills, experiences, and attributes.

About the School Council

The Council is the governing body for the School. It is the forum for achieving objectives, making sound economic decisions, as well as ensuring good compliance and appropriate risk management measures of the school. The Principal is responsible for the operations of the School, and reports to the School Council on a monthly basis. The Business Manager is the Secretary of the School Council and attends all Council meetings.    

The Council is responsible for the planning, establishment, and overall management of the School, and plays a key role in the development of the School’s Master and Strategic Plan, as well as overseeing their implementation. The Master Plan is developed in conjunction with the Council, AngliSchools, staff, parents, and students of the School. The Strategic Plan is developed in conjunction with the Council and the Executive Team of the School. The Council is also the advisor to AngliSchools on the governance of the School.   

The School was established as a low fee Anglican School. The School operates on a budget developed by the Council and approved by AngliSchools each year. Whilst the Council has the responsibility for overseeing the School’s budget, AngliSchools retains the power of approval for the School’s annual operating budget and major capital expenditure.


Qualifications of the School Council:

Ms Diane van de Velde, Chair

Mr Mike Nisbet, Treasurer

Rev Peter Hotchkin

Mr Tal Singh

Mr Scott Williamson

Mrs Cassandra Jaeger

Ex Officio Members

Mr Benjamin Lomas, Principal 

Mr Alan Wright, Business Manager

Honorary Members

Mr John Filippone

Dr Michelle Ellis

If you wish to get in touch with the School Council, please email chair@pmacs.wa.edu.au


Our School is a proud member of AngliSchools. Formerly known as the Anglican Schools Commission, AngliSchools was established in 1985, by the Perth Diocesan Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia, to provide Anglican families and others with ready access to affordable Christian education in the Anglican tradition.

AngliSchools oversees the operation of 15 Anglican Schools across Western Australia, Victoria and New South Wales. The schools offer outstanding teaching and learning in a caring, Christian environment.

Each school is a unique community with its own individual strengths and specialist programs, however each school shares the common values from AngliSchools of faith, excellence, justice, respect, integrity and diversity. 

Schools within AngliSchools include:

WA Schools

NSW & VIC Schools